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Fedia Discussions jerry rebuild complete

Hi all. It took a while for me to get to it, but I have just completed rehoming from containers back to a bare metal install. This should fix the issue with federation stopping. I'll keep an eye on it, though.

  • Nice, I was just back from being mystified at this comment chain as people seemed to be mixing up the mbin instances, hope the maintenance makes Fedia easier to use regardless of whether folks were planning on landing here lol

    • With any luck, this will take care of the 429 errors too. I actually didn’t realize that was happening until I read the thread you linked to above.

      • this is still somewhat speculative but if you're running this behind a proxy, you might want to configure either nginx realip module or equivalent, or this: so it could see and work with real user ip, if you haven't done so already (only do one of them, not both)

        currently suspecting that this is the big part on why it hit 429 rate limit when it shouldn't be: the rate limiter probably only sees the proxy address, not the users, and so it ended up rate limiting the entire proxy instead of individual clients/users

  • Great job! Thanks for your hard work, I hope it really fixed the problem