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Friday Roundup (2024-02-16)

Hello everyone =) Any fandomy news? Any fandomy plan? Let's hear about it!


Me? I'm behind anew in my fanfic reading, didn't last long xD Microfics are still a thing, daily writing is still a thing... Oh, and I'm crocheting a cake for the game anniversary /shrugs/

  • I am halfway through one fic (writing), and juggling ideas for two others that are spin offs. I've been dividing my drawing time between fanart and original. I attempted to draw from a new source of inspiration, but having finally played the intro to Persona 5...I don't think that's going to be it for me. XD

  • I've fallen behind in my plans, but I'm cutting myself a break. A short loss of power, some medical stuff, and general fatigue galore. I'm still getting in a bit of writing everyday... I'm pleased enough with what I'm still doing.

    • Plans are really just guidelines. I'm sorry to hear you've been dealing with so much! It's lovely when it all just aligns too, isn't it? I hope you feel better soon. 'Grats on getting in some writing everyday...that's far better than I do when I get derailed.

  • BTW I somehow missed the part about crocheting a cake the first time, but that is FANTASTIC!

    • The enthusiasm is appreciated, but you might be imagining something way grander than reality here, this thing is like 3cm wide xD (I though it'd be a bit bigger but I don't have enough brain-power to estimate sizes despite having more than enough experience to do so, whoops)