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Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead JayEchoRay

Preferred General Weapon Loadouts

What is everyone's preferred general weapon loadout before getting the high end tech stuff ( i.e. Laser Weaponary, Bionic weapon, etc..)

Summarised I enjoy using:

  • Melee -- Loaded Stick ( bludgeon weapon and works nicely with specific weapon martial art) -- Kukri ( Cut weapon, nice with a good martial art and decent accuary for "knife" weapon)

  • Depending on ammo availability I take 1 secondary and 1 primary

  • Secondaries -- Glock 19 ( modability, gun and ammo availability) -- FN Five-Seven ( good penetration) -- Sig P226 (personal preference)

  • Primaries -- M4A1 (ammo and gun availability, good mod profile) -- M14 EBR ( Decent all-purpose Marksman Rifle)

  • Throwables -- Throwing Knives : 3 to 12 ( depends on loadout, silent, reusable and can cause bleeding) -- 2 Molotovs ( Emergency crowd control, building demo) -- 1 Grenade ( homemade or military grade, emergency use)

I do use other weapons and switch it up when situation demands, but for general purpose exploration and loot runs I can rely on the above loadout to handle most situations to my personal preferences.

  • Honestly, I have probably gotten most of my kills from slings. I really like slinging in real life and it is fun and very practical to use them in CDDA. The staff sling does more damage, but a regular sling takes up basically no inventory space, if you decide you need to use it, just harvest some ammo nearby and you are set.

    Most of the time I don't really pick huge fights, so any old M4A1 I find is usually more than enough firepower unless I am totally way in over my head.

  • Hi, I'm a quarter of a year late but I'd like to contribute.

    Melee: National guard bayonet

    Secondary: Service Pistol with FMJ rounds

    Aux1: a drop leg pouch filled to bursting with caltrops

    Aux2: a radio modded noise emitter & RC control

    grenades: Acid Bombs

    Most of these can be sourced from zombies except the auxilliaries. The caltrops used to be stupid easy to make, but require welding now. The electronics require a bit of electrical know-how and some lucky (but not exceedingly rare) drops.

    • Interesting setup

      I can imagine you have to rely on movement a lot to get enemies into a favouarable position or just outright avoid combat with things that are too much?

      Do you avoid combat with with the higher level monsters, relying on distraction to get where you need to and fallback on the caltrops when you need to escape a bad situations?

      Definitely a different style of play

      • Honestly I just abuse the fact that nobody can see too well in the dark. I walk into crowds with the knife out, avoiding combat as much as possible to plant a 2x2 array of caltrops in a busy location, drop the noisemaker, and run away. Once out of the way, I use the RC control to activate the noisemaker, luring the zombos onto the caltrops. Only the armored and trap-avoid enemies can withstand this technique, which is what the acid bombs and FMJ are for. Hulks are a cakewalk with this setup, but migos and necromancers are my biggest problems.

  • I just get a bike, skateboard, or small vehicle such as a modified golf cart, a pike or knife spear (if it takes too long I get a normal fire hardened stick), a light armor such as riot armor and kevlar vest, and optionally sojutsu (by asking for it to the guard as reward for 100 cigs). It's quite funny seeing how you can ride a bike while twisting your torso 180° to attack with a 2 meter long stick. You'll hardly ever be hit, but it's quite stamina draining, so taking breaks is mandatory, and bat zombies, fart zombies, and flesh raptors can kinda screw the strat but by the time they become annoying you should have enough combat skills and tools to deal with them easily.

    • I think rollerskates/rollerblades can also used as well although you are restricted to the road otherwise you are stuck out of luck. Skateboard I am always worried of face planting at the worst times and avoid using it.

      I cannot imagine dueling with a vehicle because it bothers me if the parts are not up in good condition ( OCD tendency as I will travel and only source perfect conditioned scrap) and even drive cars with a few good pieces back to base to dismantle and reforge if necessary.

      I do see the appeal of kiting the enemies with your range advantage though and as you said runs the risk of having to adjust if you run into early game higher level mobs.

      I can imagine creating a small 1 tile vehicle for jousting could also be something that can shore up the stamina draining, but be sure to install a seat belt so your character doesn't get dragged off the vehicle by an enemy with displacement - maybe a motorized shopping cart?

      • As long as you are strategic about it, you should be fine, just get off-road wheels, raid during day, and drop the heaviest bag you carry.

        Some advantages I neglected to mention are that there is almost always a way to escape as long as you have a somewhat decent acceleration and you can see around 20 tiles, with 3 tiles per turn you can fairly easily outpace z predators and maybe garghouls (just take into account their jump, stay out of range), it's very cheap resource-wise, and terrain almost doesn't affect you, you can drive by acid, cobweb (not tested yet but it'd bet yes), or sticky surfaces from pupaz.

        Many annoying enemies like dermatiks, mi-gos, z horses, hulks and husks are totally foiled with this strat as long as you learn your acceleration and the enemy's speed and do not have available boardable tiles on your vehicle. You can also do this with another NPC on a 2-seat vehicle, preferrably using 3 tile reach, it'll take more managing but will be far easier nonetheless.

        Also, I usually make a foldable 2-tile bike with a small electric motor and storage battery for a fallback (all my vehicles are electric) and in case I need to take it across forests, if I find a skateboard I use it for tunnels, such as those with lab entrances or those pesky caves with lava in the way, and use the rest for the somehow non-craftable skateboard deck, which counts as frame, seat and muscle motor at the same time (though not as efficient as pedals)

  • I haven't played really that far into the endgame, is the M4A1/5.56 ammunition effective into the late game?

    Also, for specific weapon recommendations it seems like the submachine gun that uses 9mm but has a longer ranger than most pistols is a really good option since 9mm is so prolific and lighter to carry.

    Do you carry noise makers? I have been meaning to try to genuinely figure out how to use them more effectively.

    Also when moving through a medium threat area where a fight isn't likely right this second but will eventually happen and you need your hands free for some reason, how do you carry your main weapon? (M4A1 or M14 EBR in this case) Do you carry it slung on your shoulder or on a point sling or something else?

    • Well sort of, it becomes more a matter of ammo effieciency and if you run into the regenerator enemies one needs to have either good weapon skill, alpha damage or be able to hit it quicker than it regens.

      In the labs you can run into things like 3 varieties of hulks at the same time, so kelvar( fire damage really good against them), normal and one I cannot recall the name , but births raptors

      There is also the military tiers zombies ( they are fairly well protected against bullets) and some of them are quite nasty if you are unfamiliar with what they can do.

      5.56mm is a good base line weapon to judge how dangerous something is, can handle the less armoured enemies pretty well and should be able to harm armoured with FMJ rounds although for the heavily armoured ones it is either high caliber, bash or explosives to do the damage quick enough.

      9mm can work decently well against the less armoured enemies, but it might not do enough without having autopsy proficiency to get the weakpoint crits in. It might struggle a bit with the soldier zombies and will bounce off the kelvar tier ones though.

      Big advantage of guns is how quickly it can stack bleeding, so an SMG with skill would probably work well with a hit and run approach to wear down an enemy.

      I personally try to favour melee and use guns as a "panic" button of sorts if I need to kill high priority targets. Having something anti-armour helps a lot and melee is the "cheapest" option in regards to maintainence and reliability.

      Noise makers can be pretty useful, I have seen a funny sight in the game world where an active speaker spewing loud messages, I could read the combat log before I saw it, with blade traps and the zombies just walked to their doom as the blades cut them up from the I assume momentum of trying to get to the sound.

      I learnt the building demolition trick from narrowingly having a building miss my character when an electric zombie blew out the walls of an apartment when it interacted with the propane tanks.

      But to the point, a molotov in a building makes a lot of noise when the building collapses and zombies path to the noise source and die to the fire.

      There is a definitive answer, but I try to guess that the sound value seen on guns is like a radius, the lower calibers are usually quieter than the higher calibers of course. The 5.56 when fired feels like about a full zoomed out square and a bit radius as I taken a military base by sniping with a m4a1 and would draw agro from about that far out.

      I guess from the idea of if I could hear it in real life, then I mentally model that in best guess idea of if I use something then I should expect a certain amount and the zombies will converge of the source of the sound it hear - so if use a grenade in a city I haven't cleared then I expect a lot of movement towards the point of explosion and get far away before I could get overwhelmed.

      In a lab situation, I have had "oh shit" moments where the zombies are fairly closely packed and shooting a gun leads to a swarm. Found the best way to handle it is the fall back to a choke point and molotov or 2 the choke point, and fight off the wave and try and kill them before they make it through the fire.

      In regards to weapon carry, I prefer the point sling on the front, I have had moments where the gun gets damaged with the shoulder sling modification and it does increase the gun profile- I suppose it is part of the payoff of being a universal attachment. Also the encumberance- from last I played- is better when it is connected onto the single point sling. It is more a means for maintainence and encumberance cutting to reduce penalities where I can.

      There is also the more tactical stuff like the rigs and harnesses and they are good as it distributes the weight better and provide a lot of useful pockets however it is a bit of a balancing act with both the layering and the durability of it, as it feels like clothing on top of your armour.

      Which is why I settle on the sling, gets hit a lot less.

      If you are going for a more ranged character though, I would probably recommended the survivor distributed rigging with a survivor harness. Minor encumberance penalties if you align it right but you get a good setup for holding a weapon with a couple of clips and olds and ends in the pockets.

      Could also go for a Molle setup, and slap on the type of pouches you want and use something like a harness or an appropriate loadbearing vest with sling, doesn't feel as good and heavier and less versatile compared to the survivor setup but the parts should be easier to make or pick in loot.

      If the gun is too big, there is also the double rifle bag one can use for the higher profile or a heavily modded 2-handed gun.

      Another option is to use a type of military backpack, and clip the gun onto the bag, things I dislike about the bag is the chance the weapon flies off and the encumberance getting too high if I cannot manage the looting. Could always drop the bag of course, however I prefer having things secured and in arms reach at all times when I engage in combat.