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[Book] Archangel Protocol - Cyberpunk + Christianity

Archangel Protocol is about a cyberpunk world where everyone has ubiquitous access to cyberspace. And there are reports of people seeing angels in cyberspace. The main character is an ex-police officer who has lost her access to cyberspace and doesn't believe in these angel sightings. But then the Archangel Michael knocks on her door...

I'm not going to pretend this is high art or an interesting philosophical take on Christianity. It's basically a pulp cyberpunk novel. But it is definitely cyberpunk, with cyberspace and hackers and everything.

Also, usually when religion is included in a cyberpunk story, it's more of a cynical view (like The Preacher in Johnny Mnemonic). This novel doesn't go in that direction. It's just a cyberpunk world where all of Christian mythology turns out to be real, with various angels and demons. And for that, I'll give it points for originality. I'm not sure if anyone here would be interested in something like that but I figured I'd post it just to see.

There are 4 books in the series, but I only read the first one.