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My first (adult) tank

I was trying to go natural, I didn't really have a plan just stuck in what I thought looked nice. Not as nice as most of yours but I love it. I was having a hard time getting a good picture though since there is light coming in from the windows.

Low tech and perfectly balanced. I have 10 rummies, a handful of male guppies that will be moved to my new tank when I set it up, an unknown number of pygmy cories, and a juvenile bristle-nose pleco.

  • Looks great. I really like the natural scape you've done. How long has it been up?

    • 4 months or so. I had to experiment with plants, some melted off entirely (damn ludwigia) but others thrived. My java fern turned into like 30 java ferns which I spread throughout the left side of the tank. I tried some hairgrass but I think I didn't put enough nutrients in the foreground so that all died off, even with root tabs.

      • If you are looking for an easy carpeting plant, pearl weed is great. I never had luck with hairgrass in sand either btw.