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  • I wonder if people read beyond the headline, but it's probably too much to ask.

    About those assassinated, from that same article:

    Hamas confirmed that Jalamneh was one of its members. The Jenin Brigade, which includes a number of Palestinian armed resistance groups, said in a statement that two of the three men were members of Islamic Jihad.

    Or is AlJazeera also just Israeli propaganda?

    • It doesn't matter if they were legitimate military targets or not, the conventions of war forbid dressing up as civilians, women, and doctors to assassinate people undergoing medical treatment IN A HOSPITAL.

      Israel going "yeah, but they were all bad" is an ADMISSION, not a justification.

      There is no questioning the facts here, we have surveilance camera footage. Israeli forces illegally disguised themselves to kill targets in a hospital.

      It does not matter that they were legitimate targets. Hospitals are OFF LIMITS.

      • Hospitals are OFF LIMITS

        To terrorists too? Your oversimplification makes it seem like a clear-cut case when it's not.

        With the escalation of terrorism worldwide in recent years, situations arise in which the perpetration of violence and the defense of human rights come into conflict, creating serious ethical problems. The Geneva Convention provides guidelines for the medical treatment of enemy wounded and sick, as well as prisoners of war. However, there are no comparable provisions for the treatment of terrorists, who can be termed unlawful combatants or unprivileged belligerents.

        So yes, sorry to insist on it again but it does matter and it is important to detail that the 3 assassinated were terrorists, and yes it should be considered misinformation to maliciously leave that out.

        • People undergoing medical treatment are, indeed, off limits. It does not matter if they are terrorists or not.

          This is all part of the Geneva conventions which Israel is now in clear violation of.

          "The First Geneva Convention states that there should be no "obstacle to the humanitarian activities" and that wounded and sick "shall be respected and protected in all circumstances."[4]

          Article 18 demands that medical units, i.e. hospitals and mobile medical facilities, may in no circumstances be attacked.[5]

          The Declaration of Geneva was created as an amendment to the Hippocratic Oath in 1948, a response to the human experimentation on Nazi prisoners."

    • No, I've been told repeatedly Al Jazeera is in fact palestinian propaganda that shouldn't be trusted and that I'm ignorant for having done so. Damned if I do damned if I dont I guess

      Also I guess you didn't read beyond the article either. Disguising oneself as a medic is a big ol' frownie face in the war crimes community

      • To be clear, Al Jazeera DOES have a blind spot when it comes to anything involving Qatar. If there's a Qatari interest, and Al Jazeera is reporting on it, take it with a grain of salt.

      • I'm sorry you feel sorry that Hamas and Islamic Jihad lost three terrorists today.

        • Yes, when you're trying to defend the indefensible, this is exactly the kind of pathetic response I'd expect to read. Be better.

          • Why is it "trying to defend the indefensible" when manipulation and lying by omission get called out as people here keep spamming "look the IDF killed 3 Palestinians" when it's actually 3 terrorists (one affiliated with Hamas, two with Islamic Jihad) that got killed?

            You're free to argue about the morality of assassinating three terrorists in a hospital. But it's scummy to leave out the affiliation to try to mislead and gather more sympathy for the terrorists that got assassinated.

            • Why is it “trying to defend the indefensible” when manipulation and lying by omission get called out as people here keep spamming “look the IDF killed 3 Palestinians” when it’s actually 3 terrorists (one affiliated with Hamas, two with Islamic Jihad) that got killed?

              All of that is entirely irrelevant. They could've gone after the reanimated corpse of Hitler but it would still be a war crime. I'm not sure why you fail to understand this simple yet vital point.

              You’re free to argue about the morality of assassinating three terrorists in a hospital.

              There's nothing to argue. It's immoral and illegal. End of story.

              But it’s scummy to leave out the affiliation to try to mislead and gather more sympathy for the terrorists that got assassinated.

              "But they were super, super bad guys" is a pathetic excuse. Do you posses a functioning moral compass?

              • All of that is entirely irrelevant

                Is it? If it was irrelevant, you wouldn't need to leave it out to gather support for the assassinated terrorists. You perfectly know that the reaction would have been different if OP hadn't left it out, which is why you still insist on leaving it out, and yes, that is scummy.

                Every reputable outlet is not leaving out that crucial detail:

                • It… is?

                  Yes, it is.

                  No target can have a high enough value to justify committing a war crime over. If you disagree, you're attempting to justify something that should never be justified by anyone who would consider themselves a moral person. Sort yourself out.

                  • No target can have a high enough value to justify committing a war crime over.

                    Then you shouldn't have any issues with detailing that the three were Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists when you refer to this incident instead of maliciously saying "IDF killed 3 Palestinians"?

                    • instead of maliciously saying “IDF killed 3 Palestinians”?

                      You're confusing me with someone else, or trying to put words in my mouth.

                      I understand you want to try and control the narrative but that's not how this works.

                      • You’re confusing me with someone else, or trying to put words in my mouth.

                        I'm referring to how commenters on c/world have been referring to this as "IDF killed 3 Palestinians" today thanks to this misinformation campaign.

                        you want to try and control the narrative but that’s not how this works

                        That's... false? I'm not the one actively leaving out the fact that the 3 killed were Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists, which the AlJazeera article even admits. And I'm not the one trying to bury this detail with downvotes to keep the false "IDF killed 3 random Palestinians" narrative alive a little longer.

                        You believe that no one should be assassinated like that, whether they are a terrorist or not, that's perfectly fair. (so I suppose you hate the way the US assassinated Osama Bin Laden too?)

                        But then, why do you feel that the affiliation should not be brought up? You should test your beliefs and go ask on c/asklemmy: "Is it morally wrong to assassinate three Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists hiding in a hospital?".

            • It's maddening to watch people like yourself jump over themselves to shove words in other's mouths. Never defended, not even by omission, Hamas terrorists.

              It's like me saying "wow you support these 3 war criminals? You must also support the IDF gunning down civillians waving white flags and specifically targeting journalists to the point that more journalists have died by Israel's hands than all the combined deaths of journalists during WW2."

              See how that also makes you look like a piece of shit without you even opening your mouth?

              I'm not on Hamas's side.

              I'm also not on Israel's side. I'm just here to watch, helplessly, as this multi generational conflict keeps going, and more people die as the genocide ramps up.

              I'm also here to watch people like you twist themselves in knots to keep pointing out the terrorists to ignore the genocide happening, and pretending that anyone pointing to genocides enjoys israeli children getting bombed.

              In summary: be better. I get that you've picked sides in your morally upright conflict. But there is no good side. And just because someone pointed out that "your side" committed a war crime isn't absolving the other guys' war crimes.

              Two things can be true sweetie. I know thats a difficult concept for someone wanting to paint the world black and white, while ignoring all the red.

        • Don't you think it is a little off-brand for the world's most moral army to summarily execute terrorists in West Bank (which Israel illegally occupies), without due process and also, terrorizing civilians in a hospital.

          • You're free to ask on c/asklemmy "Is it morally wrong to assassinate three terrorists hiding in a hospital?" and get a debate going on the morality of it. It's not okay to keep spamming the lie by omission that "IDF killed 3 Palestinians", obviously insinuating that they killed 3 random civilians, in order to gather more sympathy for the terrorists.

            • Do you know West Bank is not Gaza?

              Do you justify the military occupation of West Bank?

              Do you think that if Hamas militants somehow enter US, then Israel can send its military into US to execute them on US soil?

              • You're beating around the bush here. Why is it so hard for you to include the excerpt? Remember, the rules in this community allow you to do that. Why is it hard for you to write "IDF killed 3 Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists" instead of "IDF killed 3 Palestinians" when you refer to this incident?