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Contribute at the Fedora Linux Test Week for Kernel 6.4 - Fedora Magazine Contribute at the Fedora Linux Test Week for Kernel 6.4 - Fedora Magazine

Invitation to the kernel v6.4 testing week for Fedora Linux July 9-16

Invitation to the kernel v6.4 testing week for Fedora Linux July 9-16

  • Given RHEL is downstream from Fedora, isn’t Fedora just the alpha/beta test for RH, effectively?

    Why give them free labour when they won’t return the favour

    • It's not just the upstream for RHEL, it's also a pretty nice desktop operating system. So as a Fedora user I benefit very directly from Fedora working well. If you're not a Fedora user, then sure, there's probably something better that you could do to contribute to the distros you do use.


    Now, The Fedora Council is structured such that representatives of Red Hat will always be able to outvote community-elected representatives. Council is a bit antidemocratic perhaps, but in practice this basically never matters because in practice decisions are either uncontroversial, or made by FESCo rather than Council. And the community often (but not always) elects Red Hat employees anyway.