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Overlays and Ethics: a conference panel that hurt my heart Overlays and Ethics: a conference panel that hurt my heart

Today is the first time I had to update an article before I posted it. The original article, which you'll find below, is about a planned session at the Zero Project accessibility conference (#ZeroCon) in February. The session was organized by a member of the German chapter of the International Assoc

Overlays and Ethics: a conference panel that hurt my heart

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I appreciate Lainey highlighting the inequities of this panel session. It is important when creating a panel to include a wide range of diverse perspectives and people from different backgrounds.

a11y (digital accessibility) Thinker33

Overlays and Ethics: a conference panel that hurt my heart

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  • It is hard for me to imagine an accessibility panel that would speak in favor of overlays. The only message that I have heard at conferences has been about the inaccessibility of overlays. Also, I appreciate learning a new word today: manel. The questions that this panel was set to discuss reveal a heavy bias indeed!

    1. Can overlay tools help to improve the Accessibility of Websites?
    2. Where can it be helpful and where are the borders of such tools?
    3. Who is the target group and for which community it can be helpful to use these tools?