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Career Counseling

"Here's a bit of free career advice: whenever your boss tries to extract your surplus value, instead of giving it to him punch him in the throat."


alt="Career Councilor: "We are just going to do a little exercise to figure out what the best career would be for you." Student: "Okay."

Career Councilor: "Okay, I want you to imagine a world where you no longer had to work to provide for the basic necessities of life."

Student: "What do you mean?" Career Councilor: "Well, imagine you didn't have to have a job to pay the rent, for food, etc."

Career Councilor: "This helps people find their real passion in life. So what would you do if you didn't have to work?" Student: "Well, I guess I would travel. See the world. I also love photography."

Student: "Hmm, so i guess that means i should be a travel photographer, huh? Thanks!"

Career Councilor, who turns out to be Karl Marx: "What? No! You should become a communist revolutionary so you can free all workers from the necessity of laboring for the bourgeoisie in order to live." Student: "Wait...Karl Marx? You are my career counselor?"

Karl Marx: "Did you seriously think you could be happy by commodifying your life's passion within the framework of capitalism?" Student: "I mean..." Karl Marx: "So you really thought i was going to advise workers to find a more enjoyable way to serve the rich? HahahaHa."