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UN racism rapporteur criticises France's contested immigration bill /world/europe/un-racism-rapporteur-criticises-frances-contested-immigration-bill-2024-01-22/

A fiercely contested immigration bill violates France's constitutional commitment to equality and liberty, the U.N. special rapporteur on racism said, amid nationwide protests against the legislation that is backed by far-right lawmakers.

  • I'll bring important context that this article fails to bring.

    saying these would greatly "impact marginalised communities".

    This is an US centric viewpoint, the US is multicultural. In the French viewpoint, there should be one community: the French, you don't need to be french to be accepted, but to behave like one.
    The creation of communities in the suburbs is a problem in current french society, it's a failure of our gouvernement.

    The far right (helped by the old right) with their racisms and xenophobia exaggerated in the media the problems of parallel communities while spreading lies (like always), but now it is a big problem since many years.

    has been embarrassed by the support it drew from Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally party,

    So of course the far right are gonna support anything that goes in that direction.

    PS: I have no opinion on the law in question, I didn't read enough about it, but we shouldn't take into account if the fascists like what someone else do.

    • PS: I have no opinion on the law in question, I didn’t read enough about it, but we shouldn’t take into account if the fascists like what someone else do.

      For me if the fascists like what someone else does, its a huge alarm bell ringing by default.

      Here is a relevant article:
      French Parliament adopts Macron's immigration bill

      Marine Le Pen's endorsement of the text, calling it an 'ideological victory,' set off a crisis within the governing coalition.

      Dozens of NGOs slammed what they described as potentially the "most regressive" immigration law in decades. It is "the most regressive bill of the past 40 years for the rights and living conditions of foreigners, including those who have long been in France," around 50 groups including the French Human Rights League said in a joint statement. "With this text directly inspired by RN pamphlets against immigration, we are facing a shift in the history of the republic and its fundamental values," French Communist Party leader Fabien Roussel said.