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Lab-grown meat: the science of turning cells into steaks and nuggets Lab-grown meat: the science of turning cells into steaks and nuggets

Companies making cultured meat are attracting billions of dollars of investment. Here are their biggest challenges.

Companies making cultured meat are attracting billions of dollars of investment. Here are their biggest challenges.


  • Lab-grown meat could be available to consumers by 2023
  • Don't expect the first available lab-grown meat to be affordable
  • Growing meat from cells is difficult. Researchers are trying to 1) find the optimal starter cells, or 2) use immortal cells (think HeLa) which should be safe
  • Conventional feed/culture for research labs come from cows, so ppl are developing plant-based alternatives. Unfortunately every company is using their own proprietary solution
  • Health issues pertinent to meat will still be present, although lab-grown will be much better to animal welfare
  • Lab-grown meat will take up far less land, but require a lot more energy per kilo compared to even beef

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