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I really love Crystal Maidens shard... did you know:

Basic patch change, but your clone now gets destroyed by your ult and level 2 Crystal Nova. So you can trigger it whenever you want, clearing waves and jungle camps faster and more easily. Which also means you can put more early points into the Arcane Aura!

It can be cast during your ultimate. Your Aghanim's Scepter Frostbites everyone standing in your Ult for 2.5 secs... but how about instantly Frostbiting everyone?

It disjoints projectiles. Enemy only has projectile interrupts for your ultimate? Ooops...

It blocks Pudge hook LOL take that

Your normal Frostbite has 6 sec CD and disables for 3 seconds... So with Shard you have your very own 9 sec chain disable! (almost, if it weren't for the 0.3 sec cast time of Frostbite)

And I mean of course, you can go over cliffs, but everyone knows that, I just had the video lying around

  • Oh and I just figured out that there's a bug with the Safety Bubble neutral item, the Crystal Clone receives the 100hp shield from the neutral item, making it harder to destroy. Kinda annoying.