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Theory Thursday

Hello everyone, welcome to Theory Thursday! The point of these posts is to read a bit of theory every Thursday, and discuss with fellow comrades.

This is going to be a community led project. We're going to vote as a community to decide on what to read and when. Post reading recommendations in the comments, let the community vote on what to read next, and go from there.

This week will be dedicated to finding what to read. I'll give this post time to have a healthy discussion among the community. I'll post the results first thing on Monday. Then I'll start posting annually on Thursday where we'll discuss the topic of choice. Think of it like an online weekly book club with your fellow comrades.

Again, this is community led, so feel free to give feedback.

Comment your book recommendations below. Let's have a good week comrades!

  • I'll suggest Wage-Labor and Capital by Marx. Although it's not what I would recommend to brand new leftists I think it's good to read early on for those diving into theory as it helps bring into focus the value we actually create as workers.

  • It might be interesting to start with something basic like Principles of Communism so as to not be too overwhelming right off the bat.

  • My reading recommendation: Thesis on Feuerbach