The fact that Trepanation For Thou Also? III came before II or I is really a bold move on their part
The fact that Trepanation For Thou Also? III came before II or I is really a bold move on their part

Not my OC, but too good not to share.
Okay, what am I missing? I've been looking at this for several minutes and feel like I'm having a stroke.
35 0 Reply24 0 ReplyWhat do you expect the all-powerful amphibian to do with everyone's clothes?
Just leave them on??!
10 0 Reply
I'm pretty sure these are exemplars of episode naming schemes.
13 0 ReplyIt's about how each series' episodes are named. Like how some are really straight to the point, while others are more poetic.
7 0 ReplyIt's just an A.I. learning how to name Star Trek episodes.
Coming soon: A sequel called "Star Trek: Synths" about a ship of androids with one human--with a cast that is all Deepfakes except one human--written and produced by software and one human.
2 0 Reply
Unfortunately, by season four Discovery was just going with "Spaceship".
10 0 Reply"The Title Writer's Pen Cares Not for the Trekkie's High Expectations"
11 0 Reply
I've only seen LD, TOS, TNG, DS9, and VOY. But this all seems accurate.
5 0 Reply