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ITF Donald Trump is the President of the USA

Statement: Donald Trump isn't the President of the USA.

Flipped Statement: In the future, Donald Trump is the President of the USA.

F.Y.I: I don't want this to happen and it isn't a prediction of the future but this is my thought process on how Donald Trump could become president and I think it is good to understand how it might happen.


Jan - March

It is the beginning of the year and Trump is beginning to face multiple legal challenges. They tackle both his eligibility to run for Republican primaries in a few states and his many accounts of criminal behavior.

Donald Trump and his team are pushing for delays and stop gaps wherever they can to stop any possible backlash.

The cases that question his eligibility to run for primaries are ruled out by the Supreme Court on the basis that states can't unilaterally decide whether Trump broke the 14th Amendment and it needs to be handled by Congress.

A few of his more serious cases are to be pushed back until after the election, but the Stormy Daniels case and others are still able to work through.

It doesn't make much of a difference amongst his base though as they see this as political persecution.

Hunter Biden also begins his legal struggle on Jan 11 and due to all the scrutiny that Trump has been having Republicans push through a negative ruling on his tax evasion case to bolster their rhetoric on Joe Biden being involved in shady things as well.

All of this is happening as a lot of internal and foreign actors begin building up their social media campaigns where they advocate for/against candidates and try to influence people to view the world as getting better or worse.

April - June

Things are still bad for the average consumer as food and housing prices are still high relative to wages causing people to be more dissatisfied than they have ever been before. Joe Biden's poll ratings are going down.

In response to this Joe Biden has been going on a spree of good deeds and encouraging news agencies to publish news stories about the things that he is doing. He is also doing more symbolic gestures as well like going to more strikes and advocating for companies to change.

Social media at this point is fraught with battles of outrage and people trying to influence other people.

It has been slowly intensifying over the past few months and news has essentially diluted the space with media pointing out that Trump is a fascist however most people have become normalized to this kind of rhetoric and consider it normal political jockeying.

China and Russia have been colluding and see this as probably their best chance of dethroning the USA from being the sole hegemon because they believe that if Trump loses this election there would be more safeguards put in place.

In response, they have decided to help stoke tensions worldwide to put more strain on the USA as the world's defender.

July - September

This is where social media campaigns have hit their peak and all platforms are rife with people advocating for/against Trump or Biden.

Most people have started to become burnt out on the constant arguing and have either taken active efforts to avoid any political information or lessened their social media usage.

In anticipation of another "election steal" many die-hard Trump fans create plans to set up encampments where they watch election booths to feel certain that there isn't any tampering going on.

This also is intended to frighten anyone who might've wanted to go vote in person that wasn't certain already.

By this point, a new war is being heavily covered by Western media which adds to a general sense of unease that tends to help people who present themselves as strongmen get into positions of power.

October - December

As election day approaches die-hard Trump fans enact their plans of setting up camp just outside of where they are legally allowed to be and call what they are doing a protest.

Most police don't engage with these people because of biased perspectives and justify their decision on the fact that what they are doing is technically legal.

Left-leaning protesters see this as unfair and decide to engage in a counter-protest. Things start getting heated between the two groups and now the police are starting to intervene to try and calm down the tensions.

All of this discourages wide swaths of the population from going to the polls in person and instead most decide to vote through the mail or just not vote at all.

All of this interference leads to Donald Trump being voted in as president.