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Bristol independent gift shop to close, citing CAZ among factors Bristol independent gift shop to close, citing CAZ among factors

Frankly's Helen Symonds says the Clean Air Zone has been 'really bad' for her business

Bristol independent gift shop to close, citing CAZ among factors
  • The headline feels a bit loaded to me. The quote complains about the CAZ for her own use, rather than it being a customer thing, considering that only extremely old petrol cars and old diesel cars/work vehicles are impacted.

    Lately, it feels like all of the typical Bristol outlets are trying to get exposure to gammons where possible, whether it's posting endlessly about Bristol Beacon, discussing every drag show that plays here, and anything that discussed road closures or the CAZ.

    • Not really, the article also says this:

      The CAZ has been really bad because people can’t drive down here," she said.

      That's not her own use that's a reason why other people can't visit more easily forcing her to re-evaluate setting up a business in Bristol. She also cites the CAZ for her own use as well but it's incorrect to say that it was the only issue in the article.

      In fact she states other reasons Bristol isn't attractive for businesses.

      We have ridden the pandemic, social distancing, new normals and bridge closures but with the current economic situation it is just not viable to have such a high level of out goings.

      The bridge closure farce probably being the worst of them. It's put other businesses located in Wapping Wharf out of business as is well documented.

      I think, in this particular case, there's no issue with the publication or article as it highlighted quite reasonably how hard it is to be a business in Bristol given the actions of the council.