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How do I access Beehaw or Lemmy from Mastodon?

I've heard that federation is broken right now on Beehaw. When it comes back, will I be able to access Beehaw from Mastodon? How would I do that?

  • You can follow communities from the Mastodon app, but the experience will be "microblog-y" in nature. Communities are represented as users on Mastodon. So, search for @[email protected] on Mastodon. You will see all the posts in the community as "toots," and all comments as replies.

  • You can "follow" communities on a Lemmy instance just like a regular user.

    Lets say we're talking [email protected] (and the federation isn't bork).

    Search for @[email protected] in Mastodon and (if the federation isn't bork) it should find the community as a user and you can follow.

    Followed communities in Mastadon:

    • all posts and comments show in an amorphous stream as individual toots -- depending on what interface you use it could be just random toots or they're displayed threaded
    • they all show as boosts from the community "user"... which if you think about it, that's all a community does - it reboots all posts and comments-on-posts to all subscribers of the community.
    • Like here it is in Elk:

      • That was easier than I expected. On the Mastodon instance that I use, no previous posts show up (I tried a few communities on other servers). I believe that’s because no one has previously subscribed from that server, so they weren’t federated yet. I’ll watch them over the next few hours.