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Lemmings, are you bothered by other people talking about you?

I'm not bothered by it at all, and I'm not at all curious about what they're saying about me. I suppose I just trust that if someone has something to say to me, they will. But I'm coming to realize that is somewhat unusual so I am curious about what you experience if you learn about people talking about you?


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  • Not anymore, I grew out of it. I'm in my mid-40s now, and after decades of being the weird, nerdy guy who had people wondering whether he might be gay because he doesn't have a girlfriend (spoiler: yes, he is) I've given up caring.

    People I'm close to will talk to me instead of talking about me, and everyone else can talk whatever they want. I don't need to know what they're saying about me because I don't need the whole world to like me.

    Personally, I also don't participate in gossiping about others at all, and I find it disgusting how many people think they have a right to judge others.