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State Department: No evidence Israel is deliberately targeting civilians


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  • This game is well played from the other side, too you know.

    “Civilians in Gaza wouldn’t have died if Hamas had not initiated the attack in Israel”

    But the Hamas are the Gaza government which was elected back in early 00s IIRC. Now what do we have here? To me Hamas is similar to Russia invading Ukraine.

    If NATO had not forbidden Ukraine to use their weapons on the Russian soil, would there have been civilian deaths there?

    Wrong parallels my dude, your parallels are wrong.

    • Says a lot about you that you equate Palestinians struggle to live free from oppression in their own land with Russia’s struggle to conquer a neighbor.

      • Do you support what Hamas did at the festival?

        • No, do you support bombing civilians who are living in the same building as terrorists?

          • Your whataboutism says a lot about you. But whatever floats your boat.

            I don’t support that, but inevitably more civilians will die.

    • To me Hamas is similar to Russia invading Ukraine

      Fuck me have you lost your way.