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TikTok Porn Mom Shows Preeminence Of The Culture War TikTok Porn Mom Shows Preeminence Of The Culture War

We’ll know we’re on the right track when it’s no longer commonplace for 22-year-old stay-at-home moms to have a pornographic side hustle.


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  • However, levels of social conservatism have reached decade highs throughout the country. Amid beloved American institutions embracing anti-Christian bigotry, delusional men who think they’re women flaunting their fake breasts on the White House lawn, and grocery stores partnering with satanists, the American people are realizing there is no such thing as political neutrality and that our institutions do in fact shape public virtue. This infrastructure is critical in shaping the beliefs and value sets of the public and therefore determines the cultural and political trajectory of the nation.

    The institutions upholding and pushing objectively correct values are increasingly at odds with the modern world. This can be seen in young people’s increasing disinterest in attending church and the West’s outright hostility toward traditional values, biological reality, and natural law. Whereas institutions that cultivate this disorder — universities, bureaucracy, HR departments, etc. — thrive.

    It’s not impossible that civil society throughout the country — small-town communities the sort of which the above authors lament the loss of — gradually reasserts itself should this resurgence in social conservatism and the push for reestablishing a domestic industrial manufacturing base be sustained. After all, people follow the money. Where there are jobs, communities will form. And should more and more people over time realize the rabidly disordered nature of the country, perhaps the conditions in which a robust civil society can flourish can be reestablished. But this will require considerable action at the state and federal level. It is nothing less than an effort to reclaim our civilization, but if the “spiritual” and “cultural” wars are to be won, this battle must be fought.

    We’ll know we’re on the right track when we no longer see 22-year-old stay-at-home moms with pornographic side hustles.