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What do y’all think about China’s socialist core values?

I’ve lived in China now for almost a month, and when walking about you will see many political slogans plastered everywhere including stuff about socialist construction and great rejuvenation. The thing I see the most however is the ‘socialist core values’ which list the following:

富强、民主、文明、和谐 prosperity, democracy, civility, harmony 自由、平等、公正、法治 freedom, equality, justice, the rule of law 爱国、敬业、诚信、友善 patriotism, dedication, integrity, friendship

I always found these a bit weird and I don’t really understand their purpose and I also don’t quite see why they should be plastered everywhere. I have some ideas but I would like to hear all of your guys’ opinions.

Btw, I don’t need a vpn to access lemmygrad funnily enough


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  • The one thing that stood out to me was patriotism at first. Just cuz I hate patriots and nationalists here in the west. But in a socialist country being a patriot makes way more sense out the gate. So all in all, I'm digging these values. Does anyone know who formulated them?

    • A socialist is more of a patriot than a nationalist

      • Well said! The only ones who actually care about the people are us.

    • China has such a strong nationalist element that if the CPC decided to spurn nationalism entirely there would absolutely be political turmoil, it's a problem in some aspects but largely its managed, it's the imperfect nature of running a country.