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TIFU by losing a job because of a food allergy I no longer have

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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Potential_Essay_197 on 2023-06-23 21:33:16+00:00.

I was due to start my new job on Monday, in an analytical chemistry lab testing food products. On my pre-employment questionaire, which included some health questions, I stated that I used to be allergic to marmite. Since that contains quite a few common food allegens (none of which I'm actually allergic to) the HR department decided that it is too risky for me to work in the lab, since I would be working with those allergens on a daily basis.

The stupid part is I'm not even allergic to marmite any more, to test this, ealier I went and bought a pot and ate a big spoonful (disgusting), but had no reaction whatsoever, so now I've lost the best job oppurtunity I've ever had (at least so far, hopefully).

TL;DR: Denied a job in a food lab because of an allergy I no longer have.


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  • If you are no longer allergic, why did you even mention it? I guess that's the fuck up though, so I guess I get it