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AITA for kicking my sister out on her ear after she found and exposed my secret to our family?

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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/VickyInAlba on 2023-06-23 20:08:05+00:00.

So here is the backstory first Im 36 and live in the UK, I bought my home with some compensation money i recieved about 7 years ago, It was enough to allow me to buy a decently sized home with a little extra for a rainy day. I work part time to pay the regular bills and give me some spending money, Im not super well off but im alot better off then most are. During covid my sister lost her job and ended up moving in with me. Im the only one of our family in the area and the arrangement made was that I would allow her to stay in exchange for her covering half of the utilities and some token rent once she got a new job (that all happened).

For the last few years this has all worked well, but recently she ended up discovering a secret of mine which is very embarassing to have others know of, but only has impact on me and is really no one elses business, this week told our other sisters and our mum about it causing me a significant amount of embarassment, stress and feelings of betrayal.Since ive now been effectively outed as a freak and a weirdo to the rest of my family Ive given her until Sunday to leave before i change the locks.

Shes complaining that she has no where to go (no one else lives locally enough to take her in and let her keep her new job). I told her that since for the past few years shes only been paying minimal rent she should have plenty saved up to put at least a rental deposit down. Shes saying im being an asshole for giving her no time but i just dont want her here anymore after taking someting so private to me and just casually dropping it to all the people i care about.

So my question is AITA?


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  • Come on now, what was the personal information she leaked of yours? Can't leave us hanging like this, yo