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Meet the Guy Preserving the New History of PC Games, One Linux Port at a Time Meet the Guy Preserving the New History of PC Games, One Linux Port at a Time

Ethan Lee has been keeping your favorite indie games running for years by porting them to Linux. Now he wants developers to start thinking about “maintenance” instead of “remasters.”

Meet the Guy Preserving the New History of PC Games, One Linux Port at a Time

Ethan Lee has been keeping your favorite indie games running for years by porting them to Linux. Now he wants developers to start thinking about “maintenance” instead of “remasters.”


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  • But...why? It's so much simpler and often better to just emulate the original software and hardware than to port entire games.

    He's not preserving them - that's done by simply archiving the file. He's making them playable on modern software. That's something different entirely, still very cool though.

    • It's not simple or easy to spin up a VM that will run indie games from 10 years ago.

      • I guess that depends who you ask. I emulate games all the time. Just takes a little bit of willingness to learn something new.

        • No, it takes time to spin up a VM that will run PC games from a bygone era using an old version of Windows. We're talking minutes from the time you click the VM until you can run the game, compared to seconds on a native executable. It's one method, sure, but it's not ideal. It's definitely not simpler or better.