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Popular anonymous race scientist "Crémieux Receuil" is actually a graduate student named Jordan Lasker Unmasking Crémieux Recueil

Popular anonymous race scientist "Crémieux Receuil" is actually a graduate student named Jordan Lasker This article is an adapted version of my Twitter thread on the topic. In August, The Atlantic ran a piece about the resurgence of race science on Twitter, including a discussion of Elon Musk's f...

Unmasking Crémieux Recueil

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  • "Genetic Enhancement: Prediction Markets for Future People" by Jonathan Anomaly

    What a completely cursed presentation title. According to the first youtube transcription service that pops up on google, he means that we should use prediction markets to find out which diseases will be curable/treatable in the next however many years so we can prioritize accordingly when doing polygenetic embryo screening based family planning.

    Eugenics enjoyer quotient: Mr Anomaly is an iq enthusiast who goes on to talk about how genetic screening starts at choosing a suitable partner. Also, we should establish something like a polygenic health index that represents an individual's genetic health to better systematize selection. This will be based on the individual's known genetics as well as family history, I'm assuming because getting tricked into marrying someone with a schizophrenic great uncle or an obese cousin is a serious concern for him.

    This presentation came up on the subject of how Cremieux/TP0/Lasker got invited to give a talk in Stanford if he's only known for his race science bullshit while otherwise unaffiliated, and the answer is that the school of business faculty who organized the talks was into forecasting markets and almost definitely met him in this event.

    So we have the broader rationalist cultic milieu to once again thank for bringing terrible people together, I guess.