Witchers are supposed to have 2 swords, an iron sword for humans, elves and dwarves and a silver sword for monsters. In the show Geralt only wields one sword.
i honestly hate the show because it's not at all accurate to the books either in spite of that being the bulk of their marketing. that said, the two swords things comes entirely from the games. in the books he makes comments a few times about the fancy metals in his swords helping kill monsters, but he only has one at a time.
always more complicated than the headlines would have you believe.
hell, Geralt spends damn near a quarter of the series straight up disarmed. one of the books is basically a legal drama about him trying to not go to jail after getting his sword stolen. don't think he has his sword for about 99% of that one.
"gotta get my fuckin sword back" is a very common plot point throughout that series. not just for Geralt. ciri spends some time sword chasing too. i don't hate it.
Unlike the video games, which feature Geralt carrying two swords, the books note Geralt's second sword is in a pack on his horse, Roach. The photos have yet to confirm Roach's existence but chances are good the horse is also involved in the series. As such, it will likely be revealed Geralt's second sword in the pack Roach is carrying.