Mueller mania is officially charting: three Mueller Report books are ranked in the top 10 of Amazon's best sellers list at the time of publication. The books vary in features from an annotated version with a list of VIPs (Roger Stone has his moment in the sun, out from the shadows of redactions) to ...
Gang I am having trouble deciding which version of the Mueller Report, often referred to as our generation's Magna Carta, I should get to commemorate three years since Trump's imprisonment.
Could you imagine how screwed the USA would have been if it turned out that all US Law and Politics were just a fake TV show for marks and rubes? Like what if the entire political and news industry just said whatever they thought would keep people quiet in the mean time while capitalist looters stole everything?
If Robert Mueller hadn't finally ended his career-long investigative losing streak, the USA might be setting itself up for a violent collapse. Bless you, Robert Mueller.