The Pentagon has confirmed it is sending a THAAD missile defence system and US troops to Israel, publicly acknowledging that US troops will be on the ground assisting in Israel's defence.
I'm not saying it can't be. I'm saying I don't believe Iran has the capabilities or stockpiles available to do so, given the other American assets in theatre, or a desire to risk killing American troops.
I suspect they're deploying THAAD because of the failures of David's Sling during the last missile attack.
Air defense systems protect specific targets, not countries. Given the THAAD's long track record under US operators, I would wager that the bases and targets that Iranian missiles hit, either lacked sufficient coverage, had poorly trained Israeli personnel, and/or were covered by David's Sling.
Of course, I could be wrong, but we won't know for many many years given how secretive Israel is on these matters.
Edit: I'm not seeing any reports of active THAAD deployments in Israel prior to this announcement, just previous deployments to Israel, including for training. But no mention if they rotated out prior to the Iranian missile strike, or that they were present for it.
I'm not saying they weren't there, but do you have a source confirms they were present during this most recent attack?
In March 2019, Bravo Battery, 2nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment (B-2 THAAD), 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade[55] was deployed at Nevatim Airbase during a joint US-Israeli drill, after which it was to be moved to an undisclosed location in the Negev desert in southern Israel.[56] The X-Band radar system, which is part of the THAAD system, has been deployed at Nevatim since 2008.[57]
On October 13, 2024, the Pentagon announced it will send an air defense system along with about 100 U.S. troops to operate it. The deployment comes after two direct missile attacks from Iran against Israel on April 13 and Oct. 1.
And then it talks about a deployment 5 years ago for a training exercise.
These aren't brick and mortar buildings, they're mobile platforms, and mobile air defense batteries redeploy all the time.
Again, I am not closed to the idea that there was US military operated THAAD system in Israel during that attack, I just can't find any reports confirming that, or even eluding to it.
Never mind, I misread that last bit. I will take a look at it later when I have a few moments, thank you.
I'm not opposed to this one honestly, it's defensive and Israelis are quite literally holding the world hostage in a way that every other nuclear power simply implies.
It doesn't, Israel is going to do whatever they want just as they always have. We're they not aggressive yet, did I miss calm level headed Israeli sometime in the last 50 years? No?
Iran never intended to strike with authority, they struck back because they are intended to, they didn't want involved and now they have every reason not to be.
Iran isn't now not has it ever truly been a moderating influence in Israel.
There's no change to the math, even without the us Israel is more than equipped to lay siege to Gaza for the foreseeable future and Iran had no intention of getting involved.
Imagine the cops in Uvalde TX blocking parents from entering the school to stop the school shooter.
They are not directly attacking the children, but they are protecting the shooter from being stopped. Defending Israel is that times a thousand.
The THAAD systems are not defending civilian areas but Israeli military bases. To make matters worse almost all the weapons used by Israel are made in the USA.