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  • Ohhh boy in Australia do we have a racist one of these food things. It's amazing how bad it is.

    Take note of the taps on the right.

    Us aboriginal people drink our beer out of a can not a schooner, they mocked up a can of VB which is the stereotypical aboriginals beer of choice.

    Even the takeaway burger is more shit then the white Australians haha.

    I even have a great 10 second video I made taking the piss out of this a while ago that I shared with my friends

    I would post it here but I don't know know how to upload video. Maybe I'll post it to YouTube and drop a link.

    • I don’t know the context of that situation but that does look problematic.

      However comparing that to this is a false equivalence as there is a significant body of research that suggests eating a whole foods plant-based diet is healthier and reduces your risk for major diseases such as heart disease, obesity, cancer.