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I spotted this at Prisma: the perfect metaphor for Finland

It's attractive, it looks friendly, it's genuinely good, yet for no good reason, it tries to convince you it's not really that great 🙂


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  • Are people in Finland super self deprecating? I wouldn't have guessed that, but I've also never been to Finland so I don't have a great point of reference lol

    • Kind of. I've been here a few years and it's a bit of a national pastime.

      • "What a great country" - "Yeah it's okay now, but it used to be really poor."

      • "Look it's summer! What a glorious sunny day!" - "Enjoy it while it lasts. Summers last about 2 hours here."

      • "How are you?"

        • "Not that great, but okay I guess"

        "You seem to have a great and fair political climate!"

        • "Yeah but every government is shit"

        "How come Finland is the happiest country in the world?"

        • "Because all the sad people kill themselves"

        Best regards, a Finn.

      • ”Summer is the best day of the year, and last time it was on a Thursday.”

        But seriously though, It’s been very nice and warm for a few weeks now. As long as I can sleep well, I don’t have any complaints.