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Welcome back. What happened?

The instance was down so long, I was worried it wasn't ever coming back.


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  • I'm sorry. Apparently the Lemmy server component went down but because the frontend was still responsive my downtime monitor didn't detect it as down.

    • would it be worth it to add an api monitor to the health checks?
      curl --request GET --url '' --header 'accept: application/json'

      • Thank you. I'll add that to the status monitor. Do you have experience in system administration? I am basically unable to take proper care of yiffit at the moment, often being out of town and I need some help :(

        • Sorry, no experience in that area. I only started looking at web stuff a month or two ago when I had an idea I might bring to life.

    • Glad you're back. Any word on upgrading to 0.19? Apps are threatening to drop support for 0.18.

      • Yes, I'll upgrade this week at latest. Sorry for keeping us back. Historically that used to be the safest decision for Lemmy, but I do realize it's been a long time.

    • With a little blip a few minutes ago, it looks like https returns 500, so the downtime monitor might not be working 100%. Also its update time is listed as hundreds of hours ago.

      • I'm working on it. Apologies for the downtime. I added enough resources to keep this from happening for another year, although I'll try to migrate to 0.19 this week.

        • No worries from me. I don't know what you see or don't see, or notice or not notice, so I figure it doesn't hurt to give you any info I notice.