What are your sexual expectations in erotic stories?
I have a few erotic short stories I'm working on, and in one of them I've arrived to the sex scene. During outlining it, I questioned if the guy should cum multiple times. Is it hotter if they don't, or does the lack of realism take you out of the story?
Are there any other porn-logic tropes in stories that turn you on or off?
I'd approach it from first figuring out who this character is. Their life so far, their motivations, their emotional state. Let the character tell you if he's the type to cum multiple times.
Fwiw I've cum twice in a row one time so far. It was incredible. We were both surprised. If you've ever done it, it feels different. Consider writing with that experience in mind.
Edit: unless there's a reason a character is a sex god, I don't expect them to be one 🙃
I know exactly who the character is, and in any normal circumstance I would write it on the more realistic side. Some of the character interactions are a bit unrealistic, but not wildly so. More, a "this is unlikely to happen between these two people".
What I'm asking is if those that enjoy reading erotic fiction want the sex itself to be physically exaggerated, or if they prefer it to be grounded.
I don't mind exaggerated at all. It's very difficult to write sex scenes in the first place, I don't get stuck on whether the action and responses are likely IRL. That doesn't take me out of the moment the same way bad writing might.
I also don't mind exaggerated. I'd like to be able to picture myself in that situation, but I have some imagination available. And I know realistic and grounded sex. That's not what I read literature for.
I'm fine with some amount of exaggeration (and at least for me, too much realism can actually take me out of the story).
The guy comes twice, and you write about how this seldom happens to him, is caused by how hot the sex is, how he was longing to be with [partner] for a long time,... -- perfectly fine. If he comes 10 times in a row, you better have written multiple paragraphs of explanation for it (medical condition? experimental sex drug? not actually a human? [partner] has magical powers?) ;)