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Worldnews - fed by a bot

I just created[email protected] it's fed by a bot so it won't be to everyone's taste, but I hope the links will be good quality


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  • What news sites are included overall? How does the bot decide what to post?

    • It scrapes /r/worldnews with the below parameters (which I may adjust)

      • subreddit: worldnews postFilter: postLimit: 75 # Limits the number of posts to retrieve from the subreddit. minUpvotes: 500 # Sets the minimum number of upvotes a post must have to be included. maxDownvotes: 300 # Sets the maximum number of downvotes a post can have to be included. minUpvoteRatio: 0.75 # Defines the minimum ratio of upvotes to total votes a post must have to be included. maxTimeHours: 20 # Specifies the maximum age (in hours) of a post to be included. excludedUrlPatterns: # User defined regular expresions to exclude urls. -$ - -\w+ -\w+ community: [email protected]
    • Looks like the people of reddit select it by upvoting it and then the bot harvests their choices.