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Thought I'd get the ball rolling as this is empty!

I'm neamhsplach, I'm undiagnosed but I'm being screened for possible ADHD and/or dyspraxia because of some issues I've had with work.

I love Taskmaster and never miss an episode of The Blindboy Podcast. Looking forward to chatting to you all!


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  • Hey all. I've introduced myself elsewhere so I'll keep this fairly short, I have a lot of trouble with loosely defined social concepts like gender and romance. More tightly defined ones like social norms I tend to have an easier job with. I also have aphantasia and am generally just a very odd person, which is part of why I like to identify as a bunny.

    • Very much same here re: having a lot of trouble with loosely defined social concepts vs easier times with more tightly defined ones. The concept of gender, for example, is something that's clearly important and meaningful to a lot of people, but I don't know that I'll ever understand it myself (so I've just landed on a point of acceptance that it matters to others). (Apologies if I'm off topic and you meant something totally different!)