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  • Yeah, but one day the thousands of browser bookmarks will come in handy. Right?

    • I have a friend with… idk some kind of issue, she has like hundreds of browser tabs open bc she doesn’t even want to bookmark for some reason.

      • Uh, this is also me.

        • Is there anything I can do to help?

          • I'm taking applications for a second brain, feel free to apply

            • Not sure you want mine…
              Wife got mad at me because she was helping me research a purchase yesterday, and we got way off track and kinda wasted like 4 hours. Basically we figured out product type A wouldn’t work, so we start looking at type B that she found. The issue was, while type B solved the issue with type A, it didn’t solve the original issue that has us shopping in the first place. She just assumed that because I went along with her suggestion that I knew type B would solve the original issue, but i never even thought about that because I was focused on finding a solution to the issue that product type A had.