Much better, not as snotty or sore. My left nostril is still swollen and blocked, but otherwise fine.
Definitely healing. I hope I'm negative by this Sunday, it's my family's April/May birthday bash and I haven't seen the grandparents, aunts'n'uncles, and cousins in a while.
Although... One of my cousins has three kids with an antivaxxer and their kids are unruly and utterly gross. So maybe I "will" still be unwell by then... 👀😅 I really dislike his partner, she's a lovely person, but her "vaccines give kids AuTiSm" spiel really triggers me.
Ugh sorry to vent lol. I'll go if I'm negative, but I'm not gonna take the blame if her kids get sick.
Obviously her kids won't get sick, they have iMunNe sYStEmS and haven't been messed up by all those evil vaccinations. Surely they'd welcome the opportunity to be exposed to an infectious disease to increase their immune system superpowers.