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Kbin Notifications Panel Kbin Notifications Panel

Adds a notification panel to the navigation bar

Userscript that adds a notification panel to the navigation bar.


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  • It seems it does not fully fit yet. Generally the menu could be styled more like the other drop down menus.

    • Yeah, while styling it I had my Kbin-it theme enabled, which is why it didn't fit unless you had my userstyle on, I fixed it with 0.2.1.
      I will try to make it more like the other drop downs!

    • 0.2.2 now looks closer to other drop downs and the iframe uses kbin's variables so it's more compatible with custom themes!

      • Ah yes that looks good. The one last issue I immediately saw was that it does not close when you clock outside of it. You have to click the button again to make it close. And I wonder if you can prevent it from showing the full kbin interface for a moment in the frame, that may make the interface quicker in general.

        • I didn't make it display when you hover out and in because it's a separate website displayed in a frame unlike other drop downs, it would be like opening and closing a new tab the entire time. I don't think I can stop it from showing the kbin interface for a second, it's a delay limit in userscripts.

          • I suspected that. I wonder if it would make more sense to not just display the notifications page in the frame and modify its appearance to fit the form but to build a completely new UI and connect it to the same server interface the notification page uses to fetch the notifications from the backend. But I suspect this would be A LOT more work and I am honestly completely happy with how it is now, considering its just a little patch.

            • Thank you! I'll just say that it takes less time if there's less notifications to load so purging them frequently is probably the best option if you don't want to see the full UI as often.

              • Oh there is one last thing I noticed, sometimes the button just redirects me to notifications instead of opening the pop up.

                • It's because you are clicking the notifications counter which still has a redirect to the page. I'll work on a fix, it's a bit tricky and not as quick to fix since a part of code depends on the redirect (css to make the counter display correctly).