Tell me what percentage of the country was able to cast a vote by march 12th, because it's not the majority. Most of us will never get a say before the primaries are over.
Yeah they did. Maybe you weren't paying attention. Florida canceled theirs and there's a lawsuit about it, but Biden still won in a landslide nationally. He got 99.1% of the delegates and 86.8% of the popular vote so far. Some states are still ongoing but it's an obvious Biden landslide.
Its pretty fuckin hard to be expected to be able to win a nationwide election when youre not listed as an option nationwide. That shit aint democracy. And just about every state missing challengers on the ballots do not accept write ins
Its pretty fuckin hard to be expected to be able to win a nationwide election when youre not listed as an option nationwide.
No fucking shit dude. It's because these candidates are not popular enough or organized enough to qualify nationally. They're a joke. No one wants them except right wing plants and their useful idiots.
Good thing money is free and not held in majority by a small group of people already politically co-ordinated to only allow two options to you for the sake of pretending the US isn't a one party state.
Also if it was all about fundraising, Bernie would have been president, but it isnt about fundraising, its about who's funding you.
What viable presidential candidates? Stop imagining. Take over your state and local govt, your lower federal house seats, your Senate seats, in that order, and then let's talk. It's silly to think you can hit a grand slam bases loaded bottom of the 9th when you've never trained and successfully got a base hit.