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R(ul)evenge USA edition

The discourse on American politics sometimes devolves to "Leftists who won't vote" & "MAGA Republicans" teaming up to "getting revenge on liberals".


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  • "Revenge"?

    Vindictiveness doesn't have anything to do with it, I just can't bring myself to vote for genocide.

    If anything, it's resignation and apathy as everything I predicted back in 2016 continues to come to pass.

    Trump is going to win in November because the Democrats care more about preserving their AIPAC financing than representing their constituents.

    • Okay then vote against genocide.

      Donald Trump is Genocide at home and abroad.

      Joe Biden is "only" Genocide abroad, and probably less of it.

      Therefore, a vote for Joe Biden is a Vote against genocide.

      No, it doesn't matter that he's an active participant in the apparatus that's creating the genocide, because if he's in office there's less genocide. Which is the important part, and pretending otherwise is sophistry. By abstaining from voting, you are increasing the likelihood of more genocide, if you discourage others from voting, you are an active participant in the overall social apparatus that is probabilistically increasing the ammount of genocide.

      The utility calculation is dead simple: more votes for Biden in key states makes more genocide less likely, and discouraging people from voting for Biden makes more genocide more likely. Therefore, discouraging people from voting for Biden is a pro-genocide strategy and voting for Biden in battleground states is an anti-genocide strategy. I live in a solid blue state, so I reserve the right to vote third party, but I will also encourage other people to vote for Biden.

      You should vote for Biden unless you live in a solid blue state, and even then it's not a bad idea.

      • Okay then vote against genocide.

        Okay, then put it on the ballot.

        Therefore, a vote for Joe Biden is a Vote against genocide.

        No, it doesn't matter that he's an active participant in the apparatus that's creating the genocide

        On the contrary, I think it matters very much.

        By abstaining from voting, you are increasing the likelihood of more genocide, if you discourage others from voting, you are an active participant in the overall social apparatus that is probabilistically increasing the ammount of genocide.

        By voting, you are prolonging the existence of the United States and guaranteeing that the genocides it supports will continue. You have made yourself an active participant in reifying the implied consent of the governed that entitles the government to act on your behalf, and with your consent it will continue to ship weapons to apartheid regimes.

        The utility calculation is dead simple: more votes for Biden in key states makes the governments' dealings with the Israel appear legitimate and discourages people from taking meaningful action which might alter that relationship. Therefore, discouraging people from voting is an anti-genocide strategy.

        • By voting, you are prolonging the existence of the United States

          Sophistry. Half the U.S. doesn't vote in elections, and they're still a global super power. Whoever told you that is an idiot.

          makes the governments' dealings with the Israel appear legitimate

          More sophistry. The government's legitimacy isn't brought into question by a lack of votes; your actions are no different from someone who is simply politically disengaged and apathetic.

          Keeping quiet isn't an effective component of destroying the United States. Engaging in this argument the way that you are is a pro-genocide strategy because you are increasing the probability of more genocide.

          • Half the U.S. doesn't vote in elections, and they're still a global super power.

            You admit that half of the country is already on my side and still call it sophistry?

            The government's legitimacy isn't brought into question by a lack of votes

            That's because our government isn't democratic. It only pretends to be so that the citizenry doesn't depose it.

            Keeping quiet isn't an effective component of destroying the United States.

            Hence, this discussion.

            Engaging in this argument the way that you are is a pro-genocide strategy because you are increasing the probability of more genocide.

            As opposed to engaging in this argument in the way that you are, begging me to vote for more genocide because you're afraid the wrong half of our two-faced, one-party government would be put in charge of it.

            • on my side

              Nope, that's a misrepresentation of my argument and you know it.

              because you're afraid

              ✨ Correct. ✨

                • I love happy roadkill, and I'm familiar with this comic. I'd have gone with the one where the elephant is reaching down the donkey's pants, though; it gets your message across more poignantly.

                  The the two parties form a bulwark against mainstream progressive political action. This is an inarguable fact, and if the option were between the DNC and green party, I'd vote green. The GOP is currently in a state of extreme disunity; it's in a condition strikingly similar to the whigs prior to their dissolution and so losing Texas will likely cause the party to fracture as well as giving Biden a guaranteed victory. Once the GOP is made irrelevant, a left-wing electoral movement may be able (with the help of non-electoral leftist activitists) to form a genuine left-wing party, which will make direct action easier and our ultimate victory just that much closer and more likely.

                  • I love happy roadkill

                    I was looking for a more apropos non-HappyRoadkill one, "They say the next one will be sent by a woman." "Really makes you feel like a part of history" as the drone drops bombs over them. But it must be buried deep in my image collection.

                    Once the GOP is made irrelevant, a left-wing electoral movement may be able (with the help of non-electoral leftist activitists) to form a genuine left-wing party, which will make direct action easier and our ultimate victory just that much closer and more likely.

                    I'd certainly hope so, but the more realistic assessment is a split among the Democrats. Half of them will want to keep their current rightward drift in hopes of attracting ex-Republican voters, the other half will break off towards centrism, maybe social democracy if we're really lucky.

                    • I'll admit that I hadn't considered the possibility of the democratic party fracturing. I disagree that it's more likely; the democrats are expecting defeat, don't seem to be as fed up with each other, and I think a victory is likely to strengthen the party rather than strain it. However, it definitely bears consideration and I'll try to figure out likely scenarios with the assumption that it does occur. Thank you for bringing the possibility to my attention.

                      • It seems more likely to me because our first-past-the-post elections make a two-party system a mathematical certainty. If one of the major parties implodes, something else must take its place, and a faction among the other major party is much better equipped to attract the newly unaligned voters than third-party also-rans.

                        Manchin and the DINOs will go one way, AOC and The Squad go another. Party leadership will align with the former over the latter, so the Democrats become the new right-wing party. Whether the left-wing faction joins with the Green Party or the Greens become a faction of the new left party is a distinction without much difference.

    • So, don't vote for genocide. Vote for one of the anti-genocide candidates, like Jill Stein or Cornel West.

    • Gives me an idea for a new meme to cover the other half:

      "Leftists who won’t vote" 🤝 “Democrats” agree on being “apathetic”.