Not entirely the usual fare, but i figured some here would appreciate it
I often rag on the js/node/npm ecosystem for being utter garbage, and this post is a quite a full demonstration of many of the shortcomings and outright total design failures present in that space
Okay, I might be brainfarting here, but... why is blocking _un_publishing such a big deal? I understand that it might be annoying, but this talks about it like it broke the fucking system, as if it was as important as actually publishing packages.
How often do people in JS world unpublish packages?
seems like a perfectly normal thing to do to me. maybe you uploaded it under the wrong account, or licensing change, or need to do a security- or danger-related retraction, or ...
hell, maybe you just changed your mind! that's allowed too! or should be
I am guessing* that the "everybody freak out" part happened when the extent became evident and everyone realized all of npm was suddenly unpublishable, not so much because everyone individually freaked out individually immediately.
*extrapolating from the NPM community being described as frustrated but mostly forgiving.