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Daily Thread - Saturday, Get Diddly Down Today - 01/07/2023

Saturday! Comedown Day!
Big Breakfast Day! Berocca Day!
Love you all being you Day!
You Do You Day!

Edit: RIP 3rd Party Reddit Apps. You weathered that capitalist hellscape with grace and fortitude. We will never forget all that you stood for. ๐Ÿ’œ


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  • Final night and Mooloolaba turns it on. It's been such a great week.

    sunset at Mooloolaba beach

    • (Description of pic please)

      • I thought I had...

        • Edit... Ah, I think I understand now. Can you check and see if I've done it right?

          • Just describe whatโ€™s in the pic. For example, gorgeous sunset photo with friends on the beach. Be descriptive of what the photo is that youโ€™ve posted. Does that make sense? If itโ€™s a pet just described the pet and what itโ€™s doing etc

          • This video might help you with defining what alt text is. However, I will admit that it's more specifically towards SEO, but it's super helpful for people who might need help understanding what text description is.