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Daily Discussion Thread: Sat 25 Nov 2023


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  • Erk. Spending today dressmaking. I need a new outfit for xmas: but when I looked at what I wanted to wear, and what my budget was, and assessed the difference, I dug out the sewing machine. It's the pinning and pissfarting around that's doing my head in. And I've had to re-calculate all my usual measurements due to sloth and advancing age. And linen is a shocking price at Lincraft even with 30% off. Fortunately the Sacred Heart opshop had linen curtains in a nice colour for $10 per curtain.
    Pix to follow when completed.
    Note to self: don't change size if you can possibly help it between now and xmas.

    • Fortunately the Sacred Heart opshop had linen curtains in a nice colour for $10 per curtain.

      • Is that Julie Andrews??????

        • You don't instantly recognise the reference? I mean, yes that's Julie Andrews. But if you've managed to get through life without seeing Sound of Music, I'll find that remarkable. It feels like it was on TV reruns every year throughout my childhood.

          • Confession time. I'm not a tv/film person. We didn't have tv growing up, and I've never owned one. I think I've seen 3 films in a cinema in my life. I'm familiar with the story and the songs of The Sound of Music, but not the film. I know I'm an outlier in the pop culture population, but so it is.