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Palestinian Death Toll in Gaza Tops 13,000 as Israel Repeatedly Strikes U.N. Schools Housing Refugees Palestinian Death Toll in Gaza Tops 13,000 as Israel Repeatedly Strikes U.N. Schools Housing Refugees

Over the weekend, at least 82 Palestinians were killed in Israeli strikes on Jabaliya refugee camp, including multiple United Nations schools sheltering Palestinians. At least 85 incidents of Israeli bombing have impacted 67 facilities run by the United Nations relief agency for Palestine refugees (...

Palestinian Death Toll in Gaza Tops 13,000 as Israel Repeatedly Strikes U.N. Schools Housing Refugees

Over the weekend, at least 82 Palestinians were killed in Israeli strikes on Jabaliya refugee camp, including multiple United Nations schools sheltering Palestinians. At least 85 incidents of Israeli bombing have impacted 67 facilities run by the United Nations relief agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) in the last two months. We speak with Tamara Alrifai, spokesperson for UNRWA, about the organization sheltering close to a million Palestinians from Israel’s assault, which has killed 104 of her colleagues since the beginning of the war — the highest number of United Nations aid workers killed in a conflict in the history of the United Nations. Alrifai says her agency is only getting half of the fuel they need to serve people in Gaza, being forced to choose between clean water, food and transport. “If UNRWA ceases to exist tomorrow, then there is a huge layer of stabilizing and stability that UNRWA usually offers in a very, very volatile area that also collapses.”


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  • A reminder that the number one priority of this "war" for Israrl is to eliminate Hamas(while laying waste to Gaza, making it inhabitable), while the hostage is second. The longer they drag the likelier the hostages is gonna end up dead, and Netanyahu is complicit on their death.

    • Like fuck. The number one goal of this genocide is to eradicate Palestinians.

    • Every dead hostage is another propaganda victory for Israel. While Hamas will truthfully say that the hostage died due to an airstrike, Israel can just blame Hamas for killing the hostage.

      • Why do you take the word of genocidal religious terrorists at face value? You just assume they're telling the truth? Strange, especially considering they'd kill you without a second thought just on your username alone.

        You might as well go support fundamentalist Christian Republicans and take their word without evidence.

        • Why do you take the word of genocidal religious terrorists at face value?

          I can ask you the same thing about your support for Israel and believing all their lies lol

          • You assume I support Israel just because I don't believe Hamas? Lol

            That's the problem with you reactionary types, you can't even conceive of someone that hates both groups.

            • Oops I actually got you confused with a different argument I'm having.

              Let me try again: what proof do you have that Hamas is killing hostages? That's unsound strategically, hostages are far more useful alive.

              Sounds like you think Hamas are animals.

              • That's because Hamas are animals. They're radical fundamentalist Muslims that want everyone thats not willing to convert to their religion dead. They specifically want all Jews dead regardless. It's not conjecture, it's their mission statement.

                If you don't believe me, just go over there and tell them You're LGBTQ and identify as female, you'll see how animalistic they truly are.

                I lived under Sharia law for almost two years and saw the dangers of letting religion rule your law/culture. The Israelis and their surrounding Arab neighbors are going to keep killing each other until the heat death of the universe.

                • The "founding document" you're referring to is outdated and all the people who wrote it are likely dead. In it they declared Jews the enemy because Zionists declared themselves the Representatives of all Jews. That's blowback.

                  In their most recent manifesto they actually changed this stance and outlined a clear difference between Zionism and Jews, and clarified their position as opposition to Zionist occupation. They saw that they fell for one of Zionism's many lies and rectified it.

                  As for queerphobic Palestinians, I can not hate them for having backwards ideas about gender and sexuality. Not only do they have few opportunities to learn better, but their enemies fly rainbow flags when they murder Arabs. That's blowback and can be layed solely at the feet of Israel and the US.

                  Grow up.

                  • Grow up? I've lived on four continents and have had more cultural experience outside of my home country than anyone I know.

                    Palestinians aren't the only ones that hate queer people, we don't bomb Saudi and they happily kill them everyday.

                    Fucking Muslim apologists, just because they're a minority doesn't mean they're not the same conservative bigots you detest everywhere else. You grow up.