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  • Yes, let's all go back to coding in assembly!

    ― Sarcastic comment by arrogant developer`

    I like this bit because it really is a common answer whenever someone complains about how maddening/inefficient some tooling is nowadays. Like, why the fuck is this [OS EXCLUSIVE] application made with electron and running its own node server? It's what "they know", fuck it if there are alternatives that could do a much better job

    About half a year ago I stumbled upon some front-end web developers who did not know that you can create a website without a deployment tool and that you don't need any JavaScript at all, even when the website takes payment.

    Said front-end dev is probably too young to have perused the 2004 and earlier internet. Javascript already existed, but it was more of an afterthought. When a site wanted to be flashy and visual, it used Flash, but I don't think any halfway decent site was crazy enough to leave the payment inside a Flash page