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LineageOS is not private

WHY? I've heard a lot that LineageOS cannot be called a private system. That it is more about extending the life of old devices. Can you tell me specifically point by point why it is not private? And I'm sure it's better than stock phone firmware in terms of privacy.


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  • What of it is supposedly not private?

    What does "private" even mean to you? Private as in Firefox or private as in TOR Browser?

    • Every privacy conscious person has its own threat model and the solutions they find most comfortable for them. This is a very important question.

    • Seems like this is the article I needed. Privacy for me is no trackers of my touches, app list, no microphone/camera spying.

      • Well, you're in luck then since everything listed in that article is very far away from critical data source such as touches, apps or microphone/camera.

        The most "severe" data "leak" described IMO is the connection between public IP address and nearest cell tower for AGPS.

        Actual severe data leaks start when you decide to install Google SpyPlay Services.

        • Tha's why microG is my bro 😀

          • Note that, by its nature, µG "leaks" quite a bit more data to Google. It tries to do so as little as possible but it's still a helluvalot more than just pure LOS.

            Sadly a necessity though.

            • Unfortunately it is so. And this is a necessity. But I can make this compromise for the sake of working apps/notifications. This is many times better than regular Google services. It will be very cool when someone will make a version of LineageOS with a built-in patch for Sandboxed Google Services, let’s say a fork (like LineageOS for microG). It'll be awesome news!

              • If that's your stance, you don't need to worry about any of Kuketz' findings in LOS.