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How do you pick your games?

I had a moment to think about why I like certain games, and I have figured out some criteria for myself,

  1. Vibrant colours
  2. Simple/Cartoon-ish looks
  3. Mid/High level of complexity in mechanics

That's why my current favourite game is Splatoon 3, followed by Minecraft, and the list consists mostly of Nintendo games.

What's your criteria?


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  • I think in general I tend to ask myself these questions:

    • can I role play as someone else?
    • is there a branching storyline that can be replayed in different ways?
    • is there an open world with tons of nooks and crannies to explore?
    • can I dress up? :)
    • is there a fun and novel gameplay mechanic?

    Usually I’m invested if it ticks several boxes. I love long, story heavy rpg’s like BG3. But also visual novels like Roadwarden, open world like Shadow of Doubt, or more experimental like Book of Travels.