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Daily Thread: Wednesday rhymes with… (21 June 2023)


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  • Thanks for all the support lovely people. The community grows stronger with solidarity and I'll sleep well tonight. Transphobia is actually becoming less common but more nasty because so many of us call it out. The terf numbers are thinning and I feel safe in women's spaces just like all the women I interact with feel safe with me in them. They won't win and will find some other marginalised group to target as our marginalisation diminishes, which happens every day we show each other support like you all have tonight. Thanks, my cup runeth over!

    • epicpillowcase was claiming that a terf had made an account here using their name. They do have some steady downvoters on reddit but seem a pretty accepting person. So just in case you cop some hate here, we've got your back and it might not be the authentic EPC. e: As I scroll down I see you're on it.

      • definitely wasn't the real epic, we;re friends and chatted about it last night

        • Reddit-epic has a hater following them about, talk about not having a life... They get smashed with downvotes so often.