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Mondrak tokens deck for Standard

16 Plains
2 The Fair Basilica
2 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
2 The Seedcore
3 Mirrex
4 Lunarch Veteran
4 Crawling Chorus
4 Virtue of Loyalty
4 Skrelv's Hive
4 Fateful Absence
4 Charge of the Mites
4 Rumor Gatherer
3 Adeline, Resplendent Cathar
4 Mondrak, Glory Dominus

3 Destroy Evil
3 Lion Sash
1 Sunset Revelry
2 Phyrexian Vindicator
3 The Wandering Emperor
3 Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines

I’ve been doing fairly well with this mono-white tokens deck in Bo3 ranked Standard on Arena. I hit Mythic for the first time while playing an earlier version of it, so it can’t be too bad, right?

I’ve only once seen an opponent playing something like it, so if you want something rogue, give this a try. Unfortunately it’s full of irreplaceable rares so I definitely can’t market this as a budget option.

Virtue of Loyalty was the finishing touch for this deck. Previously I had Invasion of Gobakhan in that slot, which was awkward because it meant the deck didn’t have any two-drops that could attack on turn 3. Virtue is great on turn 2 and great when it’s using up your excess mana in the late game. It’s also pretty good as counterspell bait or a surprise blocker, or two if you have Mondrak out.

Rumor Gatherer is unimpressive by itself but becomes very good in combination with a Skrelv’s Hive, Adeline, or Mirrex. Add a Mondrak to that and you’re drawing two cards every turn. I often sideboard out some Gatherers against decks that apply too much pressure to get the combo going, but once or twice I've seen an opponent concede just to the Gatherer engine.

That said, − 1 Gatherer + 1 Adeline is probably correct, I just don’t feel like crafting the last Adeline.

Is this a toxic deck or a regular damage deck?

It’s both. Plan A is to win with regular damage, but poison counters are a very good Plan B. They can help you squeak out a last-minute win against Sheoldred or Atraxa.

Even if you don’t win with poison, turning on Corrupted for The Seedcore and Skrelv’s Hive can be a big deal. If you have a choice between playing Lunarch Veteran or Crawling Chorus on turn 1, lead with the Chorus since it helps you get Corrupted sooner. Plus it’s more resilient to Cut Down.


Destroy Evil – for Sheoldred, Atraxa, Etali, and the various Virtues. Against Atraxa ramp decks, take out Fateful Absences for Destroy Evil, since it hits pretty much all of their creatures. Against Sheoldred and most other decks, take out Charge of the Mites instead, since your Fateful Absences will still be very useful.

Lion Sash – believe it or not this is mostly for the mono-blue Djinn/Terror decks, which I’m actually not seeing much of since WOE, but it’s also sometimes useful against stuff like Virtue of Persistence. Not useful against Cemetery Desecrator.

Sunset Revelry, Phyrexian Vindicator, The Wandering Emperor – for mono-red, and secondarily for any other creature deck that’s faster than you. Against mono-black I would probably bring in the Emperors but not the other two. Against mono-red specifically, take out all your Hives and a couple of Mondraks for these six and don’t worry about prosecuting your own plan. If you can stabilize, you can beat them with whatever you have when the dust clears. I was lucky enough to open two Vindicators but I wouldn’t tell you to craft or buy them just for this deck; fill the space with more copies of Revelry. Emperor is neat in combination with Mondrak except that you’ll likely be taking out some Mondraks for Emperor, since they’re both four-drops.

Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines – for Atraxa ramp decks and their cousins the Cascade combo decks. Sunfall is about the only thing they have that can kill Norn, so try to bait that out first if you can. I usually remove two Mondraks and one Rumor Gatherer to make room for the three Norns.


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