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  • Industrial revolution was not global, renewables are

    • If industrialization wasn't global surely the effects of it weren't global either 🤡

      • Upgrade your reading comprehension 🤡

        Where did the industrial revolution start?

        It was not global from 1760 to 1820 ya jabroni

        Renewables are being implemented in a far wider geographic than the Industrial Revolution was is my point

        • My point is the implications of the industrial revolution don't stop at national borders.

          You don't need every country to emit pollution when they all share the same atmosphere.

          And it's overwhelmingly likely that the rollout of renewables and environmentally responsible infrastructure won't happen everywhere at once. It begins in the countries with the ability and materials to produce such systems.

          Do you have a map of existing renewable use per capital to see if my opinion is accurate or are you just going to be a massive prick?

          • It's not my fault if you don't understand. Go read a book.

            • Great talk, you've done wonders for the community.

              • Great talk, you've done wonders for the community.

                You called me a massive prick dude. Don't dish it out if you can't take it back.

                It's not that hard a concept. I even posted a picture. Do you really think technology is not being developed and implemented faster today than the 18th century?

                • I think the incentive is incredibly asymmetrical.

                  Everyone wants a tractor to help them plow the field, not everyone wants to do carbon capture.

                  I'll go read that book now lol