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  • 11 is ok, but out of the box it needs more tweaks than 10 and they have been saying they'd bring back folder previews for YEARS and they haven't done it

    • The only feature that I'm missing from earlier Windows' is the desktop peek on hovering the lower right corner, otherwise GUI-wise it doesn't make too much of a difference to Windows 10. Or maybe I've just been using 11 for so long that I forgot?

      • The GUI is annoying in 11, but that's really not the issue for most people. It's the constant barrage of "USE FUCKING EDGE" over and over and over, the treating the operating system like it's an advertising platform, not an operating system. It's the ever-increasing spyware, it's that they never learned that nobody liked them constantly re-installing Skype and Candy Crush even when you've uninstalled them in Windows 10 that they kept the same bullshit in 11.

        My personal favorite to be pissed off about is that you're literally not allowed to make a local account in any normal way in Windows 11, they force you to use a Microsoft Account unless you know a bunch of PowerShell commands to interrupt the install process and force it to allow you to make a local account. Then, after you've already jumped through technical hoops to get a local account, Microsoft decides that the best thing to do is advertise at you again about how you shouldn't be using a local account and you should consider switching to a Microsoft account! Like fuck me, the anti-consumer "It's Microsoft's operating system and you just live here" has been kicked up to obscene levels in 11.

        Those are the issues, the GUI is (for the most part) fine. Although I will say every time I use 11 I'm confused about where to find "copy" and "paste" because they decided to drop words for iconography. Like, I've never seen these icons before, how am I supposed to know that's the new "cut," "copy," and "paste?" It's absurd. However, I can manage to live with that, or change it in RegEdit if I really hate it that much. The GUI is annoying but the least shitty of the Windows 11 crimes.

      • Can you not still do that? I feel like I can still do that. Maybe it's an addon I have.